
Life transformers offers the following trainings for aspirants at present :-

Vision Board Workshop

Who am I?
What am I doing?
These are the ultimate tricky questions that tickle every human mind at some point of time. Each human being is born with and for a purpose and that is precisely why every human being is different. Great and successful people become so by identifying this difference. 
Yes, to unearth the true potential within you, find an answer to a question ‘who am I?” is very crucial.
But how? How can one precisely follow a certain path which will lead him/her to their dreams? 
Don’t worry we have a solution for you – Vision Board. 

What does it do? 

Everybody can be benefited by this exercise, precisely it would be most beneficial to college-going students who are on the verge of deep-diving into the sea of life!

Deep dive into the enlightening experience & be drenched in the myriad possibilities to make you reach the shore of your dreams! 
We are waiting for you! Get in touch soon.

Salient Features

Secrets of Wealth workshop

People are often engaged in a complex relationship with money. How much to let it go & how much to let it grow is the question almost everyone faces. Someone has said – let your money work for you when you sleep. But how is this possible? We have an answer for you – the “Secret of Wealth” workshop. An ultimate guide to transforming your relationship with money. 

Salient features: 

  • A decisive & thoughtful approach to financial planning – spending, saving, investing the money.
  • Helping people make better financial decisions, by removing the knowledge barriers.
  • Practical tips on how law attraction works for money as well! Wealth creates wealth.
  • Combination of financial management, spiritual tips & a wealthy mindset.
  • Learning from the experiences of traditional rural families from different parts of the country. 
  • Be financial young, with age old wisdom of finance incorporated by various Indian communities. 

Enrol now in the “Secrets of Wealth” workshop to unravel the wonderful mystery of money! 

Naad Yoga Workshop

Our entire cosmos and all that exists in the cosmos, including human beings, consists of vibrations, called nada.
If we can synergise ourselves with this nada, the sound, we can truly discover what lies hidden in ourselves! 
Naad Yoga – ancient Indian metaphysical system, based on the experience of how sound vibrations affect the body, mind, and spirit through the movement of the tongue, the mouth, and changes in the chemicals in the brain.
It helps in transforming our response to everyday surroundings, thereby helping us move to the path of self-actualisation.

Salient Features:

  • A uniquely designed training program that focuses on using Indian classical music for mental wellness. 
  • A brief about the history of Naad Yoga, along with many small and exciting practical experiences
  • Understanding how effective a role can music have in our day-to-day life.
  • The science behind chanting, do’s and don’ts about mantras, and many such exciting activities.

Connect with us and check our next batch’s schedule. For details, call us now.


To help organisations perform better what we strive for. 
We design and conduct customized workshops for various organizations. We have out of the box programs on themes like:

  • Finance for non-finance Executives 
  • Positive Thinking
  • Communication Skills 
  • Team Building 
  • Entrepreneurship and Capacity building programs for the workers’ wives
  • Work-Life balance 
  • Self Actualization

We have conducted such workshops for many esteemed companies like ASK Chemicals, Ecoclean, Yazaki, Fiat Motors, Cloud Q, ARaymond, BEHR-HELLA, Godrej-Lawkim, Desai Brothers, Badve Engineering, Sparkline Equipments, KSH Distriparks, Bank of Maharashtra, Dena Bank, Central Bank of India, Kohinoor Builders and many more. 

Please let us know your training requirements; we would be happy to design a module for you.